Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Unproffesional Wedding Photographer


It's been a long time for me to share this. I booked a wedding photographer known as Revelpic* and I knew him (Ricky, owner + the photographer) from a friend of mine. I trust my friend. Well, without thinking twice as my cousin's friend recommended him as well, I sent a message to him on Line Messenger. He responded me very quick. Amazing that he gave super quick response along with the price list.

I asked the price list that there was not in the list as I only needed the file of the pictures & videos (digital only) and he offered me lower price based on what I requested. Well we made a deal on messenger and we decided to meet up on the beginning of Ramadan last year. Quick quick quick response! He got to meet with me and all my family and my mom paid cash IDR 3,000,000 without thinking twice again!

Until my weddind day came, he did not show up at 6 am as he promised when he met us all in my parents's house. Then, my family received a phone call from his friend that he would be our wedding photographer. Whaaattt???!!! That was not as he promised because he said he would take our pictures and he would have a videographer coming with him. He did not confirm that he could not come. And then when I saw his friend, he did not even have a lighting. What the heck! The photographer who covered for him was not proffesional. His shot was just like a person who tried to learn basic human photography I can tell. They left earlier and it was not as Ricky promised. I still have the invoice and our messages for the proof (all in Bahasa).

It took a month for me to wait the files with all struggle. I tried to chat him on Whatsapp, called his number, left him messages on messenger but he never responded. My friend and my cousin's friend helped me to reach him and he didn't respond him either. My cousin and I finally decided to look for where he lived. We drove around to find him to take our rights because we already paid (full payment!) and he was gone without a word. We walked around near where he lived and there was a man we showed him his picture if he knew this photographer. He answered us "this guy? you had him as your wedding photographer?? how much did you pay? WHAT? FULL PAYMENT?? IDR 3,000,000 for FILES ONYL??? Go check to that house if he was there". My cousin and I were like "OMG", the neighbour looked annoyed when we showed him the picture and told him the chronology how I booked him until the day we needed to come over his house to take the files. Well, we only took the video file because his videographer came to my house at night before to give the file of the pictures.

He slept when we reached his house. He lived with his grandma. He copied the files and then talked to me "Miss, don't be mad and don't babble anymore" and I quickly responded "I did not even mad. I sent you messages to ask for my rights". Then he told that he could not come that day because his aunt got married abruptly. Classic! Never ever again trust this unproffesional photographer. 

In Islam, we call this person as dzalim (a person who violate the rights of others). And I have heard that it is okay to share about this and it is not even ghibah . I will attach the video of permitted ghibah if I find it again. and here's the proof of the messages


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